Real Estate - Page 2

Looking into real estate? Whether you're investing in commercial real estate or are a first-time homeowner, discover details on the real estate market, here.

Real Estate

How PR Can Build Trust and Credibility for Real Estate Brands

Follow these insights and actionable tips for leveraging PR to enhance the reputation and visibility of your real estate brands.

Real Estate

3 Emerging Trends Shaping the Future of Real Estate

These three innovations are reshaping the real estate industry — discover tips for effectively covering these trends.

Starting a Business

They Grew Up in a Financially-Challenged Single-Parent Home and Now These Twins Run a Multimillion-Dollar Real Estate Business. Here's How They Turned Hardship Into Inspiration.

How Jeremy and Joshua Mathis overcame adversity and turned their challenging upbringing into a foundation for real estate success.

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Check Out the Tiny-Home Village a Millennial Built, Where 29 Units Priced as Low as $190,000 Sold Out in Less Than 2 Months

The community's demographics range from ages 25 to 65, with incomes ranging from $50,000 to millionaires.

Business News

Airbnb Bans Security Cameras Indoors Worldwide

The short-term rental giant announced Monday that it is banning indoor cameras effective April 30.

Business News

Here's How Much It Costs to Live in America's 10 Most Expensive Cities

Get ready to shell out $15,000 a month to live in some of these coastal locales.

Business News

Renters on a Budget Should Look in These 27 Cities Where Apartment Prices Are Plunging

Apartment prices have been driven down by surging supply.

Business News

The Tallest Building in the U.S. Could Be in... Oklahoma

The current tallest building in the U.S. is New York City's One World Trade Center, which stands at a patriotic 1,776 feet.

Business News

Home Prices Are Forecast to Fall in These 34 Cities

Experts are split on housing market forecasts for 2024.

Business News

A Shopaholic Found Her Dream Home in Miami — An Apartment with a Hidden Door Leading Into a Mall That's Always Unlocked

"It blows my mind that people think this is so wild and that people are so excited about it," she said.

Real Estate

Tarek El Moussa: Overcoming Obstacles and Finding Success in Real Estate

In this episode of Jeff Fenster's podcast, Tarek El Moussa, a renowned real estate entrepreneur, shares his inspiring journey of triumph over adversity and how he achieved remarkable success in the industry.

Buying / Investing in Business

Why the Private Sector, Not Public, Must Continue to Lead Impact Investing

Private financial institutions and organizations have both money to invest and the motivation to generate a return on double-bottom-line investments, making them the ones who drive the real results in impact investing.